Auson early realized the importance of offering an alternative to solvent-based products. Collaboration between Auson and Volvo launched the development of solvent-free products already in 1995. Since then, we at Auson have developed several solvent-free and water-based rust protection products to meet the increasing demands for lower emissions.

Som en följd av samarbetet med Volvo blev Auson den första aktören på marknaden att erbjuda ett lösningsmedelsfritt rostskydd. Arbetet fortsatte och snart erbjöds miljöanpassade hålrumsvaxer och underredsmassor även för eftermarknaden. Under 2012 utgjorde de lösningsmedelsfria produkterna 30 % av Ausons totala försäljning.
The aim was to reduce the amount of solvent management and hence reduce emissions from Volvo’s factories. 1996 was the first solvent-free product in use at Volvo’s production with great success. Work continued, and soon Auson launched both Cavity waxes and Underbody coatings without solvent for the open market. In 2012, solvent-free products accounted for 30% of Auson´s total sales.
What is solvents?
Solvent is simply as it sounds, an agent that dissolves. Such material may for example dissolve fats and other substances. Solvents are used for cleaning and degreasing but also in particular paints, adhesives and as a diluent. There is still a great need of corrosion protection with solvents on the market and therefore such products are included in Auson´s range.
Our solvent-free alternatives
Auson has over the years developed a variety of products without solvent in which some of the products instead are water based. The common denominator is that the solvent-free products do not emit any organic compound which gives a VOC content equal to zero. Emission levels can be crucial for bigger players with heavy requirements to reduce emissions; the problem can be remedied by replacing some or all material with our solvent-free options.

No solvents – many benefits
The fact that products without solvents are environmentally friendly is not the only benefit, they can also offer economic advantages. A high dry content means that most of the material remains on the treated metal surface. Another consequence of the high dry content, is that the material dries more slowly, resulting in a smoother surface and a more effective penetration. The water-based products have a relatively low dry content; however, the VOC content is still zero. A factory that exclusively uses solvent-free products is not depending on custom ventilation in the facility. Instead you get a completely emission-free work environment, thanks to your choice of solvent-free products.
Corrosion protection with solvent applied to a medium-sized car emits nearly 3 Kg organic compounds into the atmosphere; this number is excluding the emissions from fuel consumption. Emissions are contributing to more ozone that can be formed near the ground level which can damage plants and animals.