Reach is a EC regulation that entered into force on 1 June 2007 and replaced national laws in the European Union. It aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry. Auson has for some time been working actively with REACH and to affect the environment as little as possible.
What is REACH?
Reach stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals.
REACH is based on the principle that the burden of proof is placed on the manufacturers, importers and downstream users. To comply with the regulation, companies must register the substances they use to ensure that the substances they manufacture, place on the market or use do not cause harmful effects on health and the environment.
Anyone who intends to manufacture or import chemicals is obligated to produce data on its properties, assess risks, and registering the substances or preparation. Read more about REACH on the ECHA – European Chemicals Agency – the common European Chemicals Agency.
Auson and REACH
As a pure chemical company Auson is highly affected by the regulation, mainly as a supplier but also as end user of chemicals. All of our products are registered according to REACH and we also control that all incoming raw materials are registered when imported into the EU.
Auson has made an active choice to avoid working with substances classified as “certain hazardous properties” according to ECHA. By developing MSDS for a new product already in the development phase, we can at an early stage determine whether the product is safe enough to launch on the market.
MSDS for all of our products are available at our website for download. The MSDS contains information on labeling, classification, security, and how the product can be used.